The Alchemist is a vacuum tube, Class "A" amplifer pedal that is built and designed to stand in for any traditional amplifer & cabinet combination. It is in a class all it's own, utilizing cutting-edge, pure analog circuitry - all based on the Triode-Pentode tube envelope.

Running on just 9 volts DC, the Alchemist is easily powered by all modern power supplies. Additionally, the pedal is equipped with an FET input preamp and buffer, delivering a hot, thick signal to the front end of the tube. This allows the player to easily operate within that beautiful, harmonically rich window of saturation that tubes are known for. Topping it off is the boost circuit, dialed in to faithfully deliver that creamy, edge-of-breakup tone that us guitar players love.

The Alchemist is sure to impress even the most critical of tube and analog purists alike, and is guaranteed to stand out among today's Amp Simulators and "IR's".

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The Triode-Pentode

The development of the radio, television & the telephone would have been virtually impossible had it not been for the triode that served as the first electronic amplifier in the early 1900's. An effective amplifier, the triode circuit was not without it's faults relating to distortion, but proved efficient enough in high voltage designs.

The Pentode was developed in 1927 and was a more sophisticated design - similar to the triode but with an added suppressor grid, streamlining the flow of electrons and resulting in a highly efficient gain stage with much lower distortion, higher plate dissipation, and exceptional performance at lower voltages.

In the early 1950's we see the birth of the Triode-Pentode, a space-saving tube used in early television sets that is exactly as stated - a triode and a pentode in the same envelope.

The perfect acoustic guitar pickup is something many guitar players try to hunt down for years. The Cadence is a unique single-stage preamp that blends both an under-saddle piezo transducer and an internal condenser microphone.

Similar designs are not only lackluster in tone, but also rather cumbersome to the internal area of the guitar body. The Cadence is a super low profile design that both sounds incredible and is exceptionally easy to use.

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